
For Veterans, Service never ends

We continue to provide service to other veterans and people in the community.  Once a member of the military, Service continues for a lifetime.

What are the benefits of being a Member

Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation

  •  Veterans Healthcare
  • Employment and Business
  • Department Service Officers
  • Board of Veterans Appeals
  • VA Volunteer Services
  • Discharge Review
  • Help for Homeless Veterans
  • Final Respects

National Security

  • Troup Support
  • Operation Comfort Warriors
  • Transition Assistance
  • BlueStar Banners
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Blood donor program
  • Border Security and Immigration
  • Military Quality of Life

Children and Youth

  • Family Support Network
  • Temporary Financial Assistance
  • Child Welfare Foundation
  • Social Issues


  • US Flag Protection and Education
  • American Legion Baseball
  • Boys State/Boys Nation
  • Junior Shooting Sports
  • Oratorical Competition
  • ROTC
  • Boy Scouts of America
  • Legion Riders

What You Get

American Legion Magazine

American Legion Online Updates

MyLEGION.ORG Social Network

Member Discounts

Financial and Insurance Services